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Probiotics and Prebiotics - What are they?

What exactly is a probiotic? And what’s the difference between a probiotic and a prebiotic?

A PRObiotic, per the World Health Organization, are “live micro-organisms (think bacteria) which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host”.

In our gut, it is estimated that we have about 3-10 times as many bacteria as human cells (100 trillion bugs altogether) and there are thousands of different bacteria species. These probiotics help us to create some vitamins, digest food and improve our immune system, among other important roles.

It’s important that our bacteria are balanced, meaning we have enough good bacteria to outcompete any bad, and that they stay mainly in our large intestine. Dysbiosis is a term for an imbalance in bacteria. Some causes of this could be antibiotic use, stomach acid suppressant medication use, and even stress.

A recent review of 15 randomized controlled trials from July 2016 found that by supplementing with probiotics, individuals saw improvement in anxiety, depression, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and even memory. Other studies show benefits with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, functional abdominal pain, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, weight loss, eczema, and more.

So now that we know what a PRObiotic is, let’s talk about PREbiotics.

A PREbiotic is basically food for the PRObiotic. A good way to remember this is that PRE is before the PRO.

So you may be wondering -

Do I need PRObiotics or PREbiotics?

The answer is simple. We all need both. We need the good bacteria (probiotics), and we need to feed the good bacteria with their food, or prebiotics.

For those with digestive issues and certain chronic conditions, such as the ones listed above, a supplement can be helpful. But for healthy individuals, I recommend sticking with food sources of pre and probiotics.

Here are some ideas for PREbiotic foods

Garlic, onion, legumes, peas, asparagus, dandelion greens, and many more. About 4-8 grams of prebiotics are recommended for the general population, and 15 grams for those with active digestive disorders.

PRObiotic foods (also known as fermented foods)

Includes kimchi, sauerkraut, beet kvass, miso, real fermented pickles, kombucha, some yogurts, and many more. Fermented vegetables are usually the best option, as they are lower in sugar. Fermented foods have trillions of colony-forming units, compared to supplements that are usually in the billions.

probiotics and prebiotics, probiotics benefits, prebiotics benefits, probiotic food, prebiotic food

I hear a lot of confusion about yogurt, so let me share some information. Traditional yogurt is a great source of probiotics (if you tolerate dairy). However, many of the yogurts in the supermarket have minimal probiotics due to pasteurization (which kills the probiotics prior to selling them), and many are quite high in sugar which can make dysbiosis worse.

SOME yogurts will add certain bacteria back after the pasteurization. So to find the yogurts with live probiotics, you’ll want to look for the words “contains live cultures”. Avoid the yogurts that simply say “made with live/active cultures”, as these were likely heat-treated before being sold, killing the beneficial bacteria.

A good goal is to include at least one tablespoon of probiotic food with 2-3 meals daily and to include plant foods with all meals as a way to ensure you’re getting prebiotics.

If you have any sort of chronic disease or digestive issue, you could benefit from a probiotic supplement. I recommend reaching out to a provider knowledgeable about the research so that you start a strain that has been shown to help with the symptoms you’re experiencing. Further, not all probiotics are alike. There are good quality brands, and bad, so you’ll want to buy from a reputable company.

There have been third-party companies that test products off the shelves, and results show that many probiotics don’t actually contain what the label states. Supplements aren’t regulated in our country, so you have to be careful! Further, some companies grow probiotics in a gluten-containing broth. So look for gluten-free if you are sensitive or allergic to gluten!

One last thing to know about probiotic supplements is that they do not seem to take up residence in our intestines permanently. One high-quality one, in particular, will last 3 weeks, but that’s it. All this means is that it’s so important to be getting probiotics in on a regular basis, and in my opinion, this can be best done by getting in the habit of eating fermented foods with plenty of vegetables on a daily basis!


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If you'd like to explore any of this information further or obtain an individualized nutrition plan, you can schedule an initial appointment at our clinic. We also take insurance and some of our clients get full coverage, which is great.

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Or you can just start by downloading our FREE GUIDE: 5 WAYS TO IMPROVE GUT HEALTH

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