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Gluten Sensitivity Rash And Other Hidden Symptoms

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What is gluten sensitivity and what is gluten intolerance?

What is the difference between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease?

What are the common signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivity?

What does a gluten sensitivity rash look like and how is it different from a gluten allergy rash?

How is gluten sensitivity diagnosed and what is the treatment?

These are the questions I'll be addressing in today's video.

[Video Transcript Below Video - it is the same information]

Hi, I'm Katie Bailey. I'm a gut health dietitian at Oswald Digestive Clinic, where we help individuals improve and resolve their bothersome gut issues. If you're interested in learning more about gut health, I'll link our free guide Five Ways to Improve Your Gut Health here.

Alright, let's get started on today's topic.

What is gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance?

Gluten sensitivity and gluten intolerance are terms that are often used interchangeably, but they do have distinct meanings. Gluten sensitivity is also known as non-celiac, gluten sensitivity, and it's a condition where individuals experience adverse reactions to gluten, which is a protein that's found in wheat, barley, and rye.

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And these reactions manifest in many different ways, including digestive issues, inflammation, as well as other systemic symptoms. And these symptoms can vary from person to person. On the other hand, gluten intolerance is a broader term than encompasses both non celiac gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

What is the difference between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease?

While both gluten sensitivity and celiac disease involve an adverse reaction to gluten, there are distinct differences between the two conditions. So celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that is triggered by the consumption of gluten. In this condition, the immune system attacks the villi in the small intestines leading to damage and malabsorption of nutrients with gluten sensitivity.

It is a non autoimmune condition that does not usually damage the intestinal tract, but can still result in various symptoms after the consumption of gluten.

What are common signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivity?

So gluten sensitivity can manifest in many different ways, including digestive as well as non digestive symptoms. Possible digestive symptoms that individuals experience include abdominal pain, discomfort, gas and bloating, diarrhea or constipation and nausea. Possible non digestive symptoms that people experience are fatigue, headaches, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, joint pain, mood changes, and skin rashes.

Now, gluten can contribute to the intestinal lining becoming permeable, and this is going to allow undigested food particles, bacteria and toxins to enter the bloodstream causing systemic inflammation as well as an immune response.

What does a gluten sensitivity rash look like and how is it different from a gluten allergy rash?

When a gluten sensitive person consumes gluten, their immune system will produce antibodies against the gluten proteins. The presence of these antibodies in the skin triggers an inflammatory response leading to the characteristic symptoms of a rash. A gluten sensitivity rash can manifest in many different ways. It can be an itchy, blistering rash, it can have raised red patches or bumps, or it can just be a scaly crusty skin lesion. And these rashes are going to occur on various different parts of the body, especially the elbows, the knees, the buttocks, and the back. And a gluten sensitivity rash can be a delayed immune response, often happening hours till days after consumption, while a gluten allergy rash is more of an immediate reaction after the consumption of gluten and can often include or come with hives or swelling.

How is gluten sensitivity diagnosed and what is the treatment?

The process for diagnosing gluten sensitivity typically involves first ruling out celiac disease and a wheat allergy through blood testing, then observing symptom improvement through a gluten-free diet.

If your symptoms are caused by gluten, then ideally your symptoms should resolve once you completely eliminate gluten from your diet. And treatment is going to depend on the severity of your symptoms as well as individual circumstances. But the first recommendation is going to be to follow a gluten-free diet.

Now the focus of this diet is to eliminate gluten containing grains like wheat, barley, and rye. Additionally, you'll need to be cautious when eating processed foods as many processed foods contain hidden sources of gluten. You see this a lot in soy sauces, salad dressings, marinades, and seasonings, as well as other condiments.

It's essential to read food labels carefully. It opt for gluten-free products as much as possible. Some naturally gluten-free grains include rice, quinoa, and buckwheat. Now, foods that contain gluten and really should be avoided, obviously, like we've mentioned before, was the wheat, the rye, and the barley, but also malt as malt comes from barley brewers, yeast.

Any processed foods that are made with gluten ingredients like pastas, bread, cereals and crackers, sauces and condiments that contain ingredients that have gluten and then also beer and other malt beverages. And then lastly, depending on your specific situation, other recommendations that could be helpful include gut health supports like probiotics or in some cases digestive enzymes or other digestive support, as well as anti-inflammatory foods and supplements.

To wrap up our topic for today,

Gluten sensitivity is a condition that can manifest in many different ways, including skin issues as well as less obvious symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, and joint pain. Since all these symptoms can have different root causes, it sometimes can be difficult to determine whether your symptoms are coming from the consumption of gluten or not. So if you suspect that you may have gluten sensitivity or you're just experiencing unexplained symptoms, I highly encourage you to schedule an appointment with our clinic.

That's it for today's video. If you liked this video, please hit the like button and subscribe for more nutrition videos. If you're interested in working with our clinic, you can click the link here to schedule an appointment. We do take insurance and you can find more information about that on our website.

Thank you for watching. I'll see you next time. Bye.

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If you'd like to explore any of this information further or obtain an individualized nutrition plan, you can schedule an initial appointment at our clinic.  We also take insurance and some of our clients get full coverage, which is great.

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Or you can just start by downloading our FREE GUIDE: 5 WAYS TO IMPROVE GUT HEALTH  

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